A park in play. Common, public and private quests
Bologna, 2016
CONTRIBUTION: visual identity, workshop coordination, networking
FUNDED BY: GoGreen Store s.r.l.
The park of Dopolavoro Ferroviario (DLF) extends towards the city center from the neighbourhood of Bolognina – an area of Bologna that preserves historical experiences and values of an artisanal and industrial identity, which continues to be multicultural. The park needs to be restored after years of partial misuse and periodic abandonment. The DLF Park project was activated in spring 2016 with a mixed group of commercial and social actors, willing to re-launch its purpose. The aim was reconcile work and leisure time starting with shared offices and an organic kitchen. The “utopian” vision initially proposed is now having to withstand the challenges of maintaining a balance between political and commercial interests, a tension that has a deviating effect on the original goals. These factors mark a big difference when considering about reactivation, place-making and urban regeneration, revealing the underpinning drives to reclaim the city-space.